Monday, February 25, 2008

Now you see it.

Do my eyes decieve me or is that a HUGE puddle of paint on the carpet???? I had to do a quadruple take before my mind could register what it did not want to believe. Well, after coming to terms with the fact that what I was seeing was real, I calmly called for my sweet, lovely daughters, to ask them what might possibly have happened. Not really!

Back story. When I found out I was pregnant, I decided we would need to move the girls to the play room and put the baby in their room. So for 9 months, plus almost 8 months now I have intended to paint that room and move them. Well, about a month ago I had the opportunity and energy all at the same time to start the project. Well, a few weeks later, I still haven't finished the job, but I made it very clear to the young girls to stay out of that room until I was finished. I would go in every few days to admire my work and plan how and when I would finish. Fast forward to Thursday. I walked into the room and this is what I saw.

After my calm chat with the girls, I learned that Lauren had made a tower with the paint cans to reach some toys that were piled on the futon. Obviously the paint cans tipped over and I am unsure whether she got what she was looking for, but the paint had seeped out onto the carpet and has sat there for at least a day. I'm not sure.

"Lauren, you need to call daddy and tell him what has happened." He took it very well. Really! Much better than I did. He asked me if I was going to clean it up. I guess. I don't really know where to begin. It's already partially dried.

Well, Aaron looked up how to remove spilled paint from carpet on the internet and found some good advice but mostly it said if you happen to spill a whole can of paint and it has already started to dry, well, then your SOL. Hmmmm. Some one lucky? Sort of lucky? Silly old Lauren? I know what it means. All the while I am thinking what kind of decorative feature can I make out this paint stain in the carpet.

Turns out, we got it out. If you ever need to know how, just let us know. I'll show you the "Now you don't" pics when I finish the room. We are lucky it was the white trim paint that spilled and not the shades of purple that i painted the walls.

1 comment:

tiki_lady said...

Ohh, ;YIKES! Ok, this would have been my suggestion. Don't rub it, dab it or clean it. FLOOD the area with warm or hot water and immediately have a carpet cleaner or extractor by to suck it up. This is what happpend when I spilled paint on my carpet. Thankfully, it was white too, because anything with a strong pigment would have probably put me in the SOL, business too.